Saturday 10 January 2015


Wow, what an eye-opener! Last weekend, 2nd–4th January, I attended the Sydney Kickstart training seminar at Potts Point (next to Kings Cross). It was run by Danish evangelist Torben Søndergaard, a down-to-earth man who “kick-starts” believers, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to heal the sick, share the gospel, cast out demons and baptise in water and the Holy Spirit—just like Jesus commanded us to do and what we read in Acts.

And [Jesus] said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.’” Mark 16:15-18

This was a weekend filled with the power of God. Even before the first meeting started on Friday night, a lady was being delivered from demons by a man from my church. There were many healings and other deliverances, of both seminar attendees and those out on the street. We heard many testimonies from before and during the seminar, which helped build our faith.

There were about eighty of us there. The weekend was broken up into teaching in the morning, then practical in the afternoon, where we hit the streets of Sydney in small teams.

Baptisms and onlookers at Bondi Beach.

The first night was about healing. We practised on each other. Those that needed healing stood in the aisle and the rest of us laid hands upon them, praying and commanding healing. The lady I prayed for had an RSI-like injury from using her phone. I prayed once and she said it was a little better. I prayed again and she said it was completely healed.

About ten were healed and shared in front of everyone what had happened. A man, perhaps in his sixties, shared that he broke his nose as a child and wasn’t able to breathe through it properly until today. I came away with greater faith, touched that God would be kind enough to use “ordinary” me in such a way, and thinking how “simple” it is to lay hands and pray for the sick.

The next day we had more teaching on repentance, baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit. Torben shared that when someone comes to Christ, all three of these are essential and should happen as soon as possible. We were instructed to look for “people of peace” (Luke 10:6), which I found really helpful to keep in mind when looking for people to pray for.

Some amazing things happened out on the street. We walked around the city finding people to pray for, before all meeting up together at Town Hall. We then continued, making our way back to Potts Point.

I remember seeing my dad’s cousin praying for a clearly demon possessed man. The man was crazed and yelling about a metre away from a busker on the Woolworths corner, opposite Town Hall. I was shocked when I returned back to our room (my dad, his cousin and I were staying together) to see him come out of the shower in his right mind! He attended the remaining meetings and got baptised the next day at Bondi Beach.

Another team ministered to a Nepalese man. He was instantly healed and wanted to know more. He repented and was baptised in the El-Alamein Fountain (Kings Cross area). The next day he was baptised in the Holy Spirit at Bondi.

As for our team, we got to pray for a few people around the city. The closest sick person we found was someone who had a bandaged arm, but they had just only given blood. On our way back Potts Point, we stopped for ice-cream and milkshakes at the same fountain above. We saw a man on crutches, but he rejected prayer.

As we stood around in the park looking at an ibis standing on one leg, a man appeared beside me to talk about the bird. Our team chatted with him before he asked something like, “You’re Christians, aren’t you?” He was homeless man and was concerned about being allowed back into the Vinnies hostel he had been staying at.

Another lady and I got to pray for him and he became emotional. We spent probably 45 minutes with him and helped sort his accommodation. He was grateful we were able to help him and pray for him. It turned out another team ministered to him earlier. He hoped a third team would come by as he felt very touched and blessed by God.

At the meeting that night, we saw more deliverances. The next day we learned more about sharing the gospel, repentance, baptism in water and the Holy Spirit. Something I learned was that water baptism isn’t merely a symbol. Something profound happens spiritually when one is water baptised—it is a setting free of sin and spiritual strongholds from the past.

We travelled to Bondi Beach for the water baptisms. There were about twenty five people baptised and many people were set free, delivered from demons and filled with the Holy Spirit all in one go. What occurred was witnessed by probably thousands of on lookers. Those that weren’t baptising or being baptised got to share to some of those around.

I remember hearing one person say something along the lines, “We had baptisms here the other day, but they weren’t like this!”

The Bondi Rescue film crew also showed up. They hung around for most of the baptism, filming it and interviewing people. Torben got to speak to them both while in the water and afterwards. I could hear them wanting to make the connection between life guards saving people and the work we were doing to save people’s souls for Christ. Apparently the footage will be aired in February. Hopefully it will be favourable!

For me, the weekend was one that built my faith. Seeing God’s power first hand, as well as working through me, and hearing the many testimonies, was of immense benefit. I particularly liked the idea of dividing into small teams with an experienced leader, who took the weight of failure, doubt and fear off the less experienced like myself—we knew they were there to support and back us up in a kind of master/apprentice arrangement.

Now, I’ll share something miraculous that happened to me. At one of the night meetings, a radiologist saw that my shoulders were not even (one lower than the other). He checked my legs and one was shorter than the other by about two centimetres. I had noticed my shoulders in photos and always thought I just was standing crooked. I had never thought to check them in the mirror, let alone check the length of my legs.

Below is a video of my leg growing out. It was quite astonishing. I was also touched that God cared about something I didn’t even notice. I still have a shoulder lower than the other, but he said to keep praying for it.

I’ll just share something else interesting: my brother is currently in India ministering. On this same weekend, he preached at a few meetings and saw about a hundred people healed, including backs, knees, necks, hearts, eyes, ears, a paralysed arm, head aches, stomachs and kidney stones. One lady with poor eye sight nearly got knocked off her feet when she opened her eyes. Again, this is faith building stuff.

I hope I do not lose what I have learned and experienced. I pray that I’ll be able to continue in this with other like-minded disciples of Jesus. I intend to watch Torben’s twenty-part online video training series.

Further information about Torben Søndergaard's ministry, The Last Reformation:

I will update this post with any YouTube videos released by The Last Reformation.

UPDATE - 16 Feb

The Last Reformation has released a YouTube video: Salvation like in the book of Acts - Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

UPDATE - 26 Apr

The Bondi Rescue episode (viewable online) aired on Channel Ten on 21st April. We appear from about the 18 minute mark.

Image and 1st video: By me; 2nd video: The Last Reformation

Friday 28 November 2014

Giving Becomes Thanksgiving

There are many benefits to giving financially to the work of the Lord. You become a fellow partner in service to God with those on the front-line, who preach the gospel or directly help the poor. God also promises to supply seed to the sower and multiply it.

The churches of Macedonia begged Paul and his team for the privilege of helping meet the financial need of the saints in Jerusalem (2 Cor 8:1–5).

… begging us earnestly for the favour of taking part in the relief of the saints …” 2 Corinthians 8:4 (ESV)

What I have not thought much about, though, is in the next chapter of 2 Corinthians:

You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11-12 (ESV)

Have you ever thought about that before? Your gifts to the needy cause an overflowing of many thanksgivings to God. This is an additional spiritual outcome on top of the immediate need it addresses (food, rent, travel costs, Bibles, etc.). What a blessing it is for the giver to have knowledge of this! To know that when you give, you are causing someone else to give thanks to God—that is special.

To give financially to saints in need is to give glory to God through the thanksgiving of others.

There are many ways to give to the work of the Lord and those in need. Principally, I believe one should give to their local church of fellowship, but one can also sponsor a child, sponsor a missionary or give to many other Christian ministries, charities and organisations. Maybe God wants you to give to the need of a individual you know. Listen to what God puts on your heart.

See 2 Corinthians 9:6–10. Happy giving! :)

Thank you written in many languages
“Thank You, God!”

Image: Public Domain

Tuesday 11 November 2014

True Love

What is “true love”? Or, who is my “true love”? It’s a popular phrase and concept that I’m sure you’ve heard. The idea is like this: there is a person out there that you were made for, that you can love and be loved by, who completes you and who will make life wonderful. This romantic love is often held as the highest form of love.

Yet, sadly, there is a greater form of love that many people have difficulty recognising. Much lofty expectation and subsequent hurt could be avoided if this greater love—this real true love—was better known and understood. Jesus said:

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 (ESV)

We know that God is love (1 John 4:8,16). God the Father sent God the Son to die on the cross to save the world (John 3:16). God has personally demonstrated His love for us.

God’s love is true love. It is known as agape love (the word used to describe this love in the original Greek of the New Testament). It is a love based on a decision of the will, rather than on the fickleness of feelings and emotion. It is strong and unwavering. It doesn’t place conditions on the beloved, nor is it dependent on what is received back. It loves for what is best for the other person above self.

God’s agape love flows into our heart and overflows to those around us (1 John 4:19; 1 Thes 3:12). It fills our deep need for love and strengthens us to love others—even the most unlovely. Although sometimes not easy, God helps us to see others with the same heart He sees them with. I’m convinced God loves all mankind the same (Acts 10:34–35), so I try to show that love to others as best I can.

Choosing to love empowers us to refuse to take offence when we are hurt (Pro 19:11). Loving others does make us vulnerable, but we decide to forgive. The feelings follow our decision to love instead of leading it. We also love because God commands it (John 13:34–35). Jesus instructed us to love our enemies (Matt 5:44)!

I was pleasantly surprised with the recent Disney animated movie Frozen. Spoiler warning… it illustrates well the difference between romantic “true love” and sacrificial love. Pay attention to the words the snowman, Olaf, says to Anna towards the end when they are in the castle room with the fireplace.

A potential trap I have found is that we can start to think that God loves us only because He has to, not because He wants to. God also has phileo love for us, that is, affectionate friendship. This is an emotional type of love. Have a look at these passages where phileo love is used: John 11:3, 16:27; Rev 3:19. As Christians, we are part of God’s family and are loved as sons and daughters.

I don’t think a discussion on love can be complete without referencing 1 Cor 13. These are some beautiful words by the Apostle Paul about true love, frequently heard at weddings.

What do you think true love is? Have you experienced it? If you haven’t, I pray God will fill you with His love to overflowing!

Image: Public Domain

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Take Heart

But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.’” Matthew 14:27 (ESV)

Take heart,” Jesus says. Don’t be afraid. Don’t doubt and have faith. Have you heard Him speaking this to you like He spoke to His fearful disciples?

I’m not sure exactly why, but those particular words used by some Bible translations touches me more than others. I think the words feel personal and real. I find them encouraging and comforting, as though Jesus calmly reassures, “It’s alright.”

Other translations use “take courage”, “have courage”, “be of good cheer”, “be of good courage” or “cheer up”, which are all valid and worth meditating upon.

Many times I’ve been comforted and encouraged by the Lord when I’ve felt doubts about His love for me, fears about my interest in heaven, or sadness about sin and whether I can be of any use to Him. At times this has been clearly supernatural, such as a peace coming over me that I was to distraught to even ask for, yet often it is through the encouraging words of family and friends.

Encouraging others is something I need to work on. I thank everyone who has strengthened me with words of life, truth and hope.

Our God is the God of All Comfort (2 Cor 1:3-7). Let Him comfort you and do not refuse, just as it is unwise to refuse His discipline. If circumstances are bleak, let God’s Word of Truth that you cling to arise within to take command of your emotions (this is not easy!). “Take heart,” Jesus says.

Jesus is Lord of the way I feel.” —Don Francisco.

Image: Public Domain

Sunday 19 October 2014

A Poem

Once a month on a Sunday morning, our church has what we call “Communion Celebration”. Instead of one speaker giving a message, it’s a special time where regular members of the congregation can share a testimony, a revelation, a song, etc.

… When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.” 1 Corinthians 14:26 (ESV)

About eighteen months ago, I felt like writing a poem to share. The last time I had written a poem would have been back in high school! I hope this is for your edification (building up).

The King of kings—oh how I love to praise—
The Lord of lords to whom my voice is raised!
He is so good. It's plain to see.
His love, His grace extends to me.

It's God the Father Whom I wish to please.
I give my life—an off'ring He receives.
Although I sometimes do much wrong,
He yet forgives—says I belong.

Lord Jesus Christ, God's one and only Son.
He died for me which makes Him Number One!
Sometimes I look at me—so sad,
But Jesus paid for all my bad.

The Holy Spirit lives with me today
I trust in Him to lead me on The Way.
I need to open to Him more.
So I, empowered, won't be poor.

I love You Father, Son and Spirit, all.
I really want to know You so much more.
One day I'll see You face to face,
yes, only by Your love and grace.

Image: Public Domain

Thursday 9 October 2014

One Spirit

But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.” 1 Corinthians 6:17 (ESV)

I find this verse fascinating and profound. Just as there is something of a mystery regarding a husband and wife becoming “one flesh” (Gen 2:24; 1 Cor 6:16), so too there is something very deep about becoming “one spirit” with the Lord.

Holy Spirit Inside
Holy Spirit Inside

I think there is a special kind of intimacy here that goes way beyond what is ordinarily experienced between humans.

I believe when we’re born again (John 3:1–8), our spirit is renewed (Tit 3:5) and connected to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God, just as Jesus and the Father are God. I suppose it’s sort of like joining “the Godnet”, which becomes our source of eternal life and communion with God.

Perhaps in ages to come, as we humans (made in the image of God [Gen 1:26–27]) become more and more like Jesus (2 Cor 3:18; 1 John 3:2; Rom 8:29), we will, in a way, become harder to distinguish between Him and one another. Jesus prayed we’d be one with Him and the Father just as they are one (John 17:21–23). This spiritual unity is hard to comprehend.

Have you thought about this before? It seems like there is much to explore.

Father, please help me to daily draw closer to Your Spirit. Thank You that you continue to reveal more of Yourself to me. I pray that I can begin to grasp and understand what it means to be one spirit with You, and the privileges and blessing that follow from that. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Image: Public domain

Monday 29 September 2014

Four Keys to Growing

On the weekend before last, our church held a men’s camp at Salisbury, a peaceful rural area south of Barrington Tops. We had a guest speaker from England, Roland Pletts, minister to us there.

Roland has some powerful and encouraging revelations about Jesus’ Second Coming, which he has shared and blessed us with at other meetings. I encourage you to read into them, but expect have your views challenged!

At the camp, Roland shared with us keys to growing as a Christian and developing a deeper relationship with God. They are:

  1. Bible
  2. Prayer
  3. Fellowship
  4. Holy Spirit

Here are some of my brief thoughts about these keys:


Reading God’s Word is essential to growth (Heb 5:12–6:3; 2 Tim 2:15, 3:16–17). It is our spiritual food—our daily bread (Matt 4:4). It’s our key to understanding God’s character, His will, His gifts and promises, His warnings, our world and its history, what and who we are, the future, how we should behave, what’s right and wrong, etc. It encourages and strengthens our faith (Rom 10:17). The Bible is our trustworthy guide to life.

Getting into a habit of regularly reading the Bible is a great idea. If you’re new to the Bible, there are many “devotional” books that will guide you daily with passages to read, and they provide helpful commentary and thoughts to meditate on. The more you read the Bible, the more it becomes part of you. God can use that to bring to your remembrance nuggets of truth according to your situation. We can rebuff the lies of the devil with God’s true Word (Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12).

The Bible should be our most valuable possession. Do we treat it us such?


This should be a genuine expression of our heart, not mindless repetitions of words. It also shouldn’t be for show—prayer is part of, and because of, our relationship with Father God (Matt 6:5–8). Don’t worry about the long prayers and fancy words of others, God sees and knows your heart. The fervent prayer of one person may be with loud shouts, yet for another person it might be with seemly quiet tears.

Prayer gives us opportunity to give God thanks for who He is and what He’s done; to bring before Him our needs, concerns and struggles, and those of others; to listen (yes, listen!) to His gentle voice; and to declare in faith His blessing and promises. If we don’t know what to pray for in a given situation, we can ask!

Remember, God can answer prayer with a “yes”, a “no” or a “wait”. Prayer is effective—it does have an impact on the world (Jam 5:16). Isn’t it interesting that God wants to partner with us in this way?


It is important that we fellowship with other believers (Heb 10:24–25; 1 John 1:7). We can learn from each other as we share our knowledge and experiences. We can encourage and support one another, not only spiritually, but in all aspects of our life. Our fellow Christians are our brothers and sisters. We should walk in love for one another in the same way Christ loves us (John 13:34–35; Rom 12:9–13; 1 Pet 1:22).

Church pastors our shepherds—they care for our welfare (Eph 4:11). It is a gifting they have received from God and carries heavy responsibility (Jam 3:1). Pastors are someone we can lean upon for spiritual counselling. Having a spiritual mentor (who might be someone other than our pastor) is also a wonderful encouragement. I feel very blessed to have had a number of spiritual mentors in my life.

Forgiveness is vital to maintaining any relationship (including marriage). Many people have been “hurt by the church”, but, as hard as it is, we still need to forgive. We forgive because God has forgiven us (Matt 6:14–15, Matt 18:21–35). Actually, unforgiveness can greatly hinder our relationship with God. It literally can be soul destroying. Keep accounts short and make the decision: I forgive.

Holy Spirit

God’s Spirit lives inside us (1 Cor 6:19). Wow, that is amazing! When we first take Jesus to be our Lord, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us. He communes with our spirit; interprets the Bible and teaches us, giving us revelation; helps us in our need; counsels us with His wisdom and understanding; and comforts us in our times of distress (John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:13–14; Rom 8:16). He is our close companion.

The Holy Spirit helps us grow in Godly character—to become more like Jesus. In our interactions with people, we will begin exhibiting the Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22–23). These are not something we can do in our own strength.

The Holy Spirit also gives us certain spiritual gifts—special supernatural abilities. When we are baptised (clothed or filled) with the Holy Spirit, we receive His supernatural power (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8). He enables us to speak in tongues, which is a special prayer language between us and God (Acts 2:1–4, 19:1–6, 10:44–46; 1 Cor 14:2). The gifts are given to help others. Gifts that He might give people include: words of wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues (1 Cor 12:1–11).

What are your thoughts about these four keys? There is much, much more that can be said about each. I’ve referenced only a few Bible passages here, but what others do you know?

Image: Public Domain